Visions of Inspiration
© Graham Zimmerman
Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Visions of Inspiration

This last summer I was in the Pakistani Karakoram attempting an unclimbed 7000m peak. For most, this would bring to mind images of standing on high icy rock buttresses looking out over infinite expanses of mountains. Quite to the contrary, this summer it meant sitting in base camp waiting out weeks of hot bad weather. 
This in turn provided something I often don't have it my life there days, time. Time to evaluate my life, time to consider how I was influencing the world around me and time to ponder my inspirations. 
I utilized part of this time to get out my careers and start a project attempting to capture the elements of the mountains that drive me and inspire me. Not necessarily what I want to climb, but the beauty that draws me in and keeps me coming back. 
I got in close with a long lens attempting to capture not only the huge expanse of the Karakoram, but it's intimate folds and textures. 
Here is the start to that project. I really hope you enjoy. 

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