Mountain - 53 years

Jeff Lenosky Pro Mountain Biker

Hometown: Fairfield, New Jersey

Current place of residence: Sparta, New Jersey



When did you start riding? How did you get into it? 

I grew up riding BMX and skateboarding. I got too tall and saw mountain bikes as just a bigger BMX bike. I was more interested in jumping over and off stuff than riding distances so I gravitated toward Observed Trials riding, which focuses on bike handling and trying to ride over all kinds of obstacles. 

What is the greatest challenge and gift that riding bikes has provided you?

It’s literally taken me around the world and allowed me to ride so many cool places.  The downside is that you can NEVER master everything, so it’s an eternal chase or competition against Mother Nature, and you’ll never win!

What's a fun fact that most people would never know about you?

I’m pretty shy. My job puts me in front of a lot of people, and I love meeting and talking to them all but outside of bike events I’m not typically outgoing.

Sweet or salty? 


What's piece of advice for someone looking to get into riding competitively, professionally, etc.?

You have to love it. In order to get good at anything you have to spend hours and hours doing it. If it feels like work you’ll end up not enjoying yourself and you’ll have fewer chances to succeed.

When not training or traveling, what do you like to do? 

Relax, build things and watch football or basketball.




Follow Jeff Lenosky on Instagram at @jefflenosky.




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