Gravel - 53 years

Hometown: Petaluma, California

Current place of residence: Petaluma, California

When did you start riding bikes? How did you get into it? 

I picked up a bike late in life after a successful collegiate lacrosse career. I first started riding a bike in 1994 while teaching at a prep school in Pennsylvania. I got into cycling because of the encouragement and support of two friends who also taught at the school, and I haven’t looked back since.

What's the greatest challenge and gift that riding bikes has provided you?

The great thing about sports, in general, is that they can be a great metaphor for life—that we gain nothing without hard work. I think the greatest gift that my sport has given me, besides friends/family all over the world, is that it’s taught me to push through the tough times, to embrace the good times and to know that I’m capable of more than I think I am.

What's a fun fact that most people would never know about you?

In my past life I taught elementary school (1st, 2nd and 3rd grades) for 11 years while I was chasing the dream of being a pro mountain biker. And for the record, I’m still chasing the dream.

Why Julbo?

Beyond the fact that Julbo was founded in 1888, the most appealing thing about the brand is the commitment to innovation, technology and performance. Julbo’s line of eyewear blends function, form and fashion like no other, and I’m really stoked to help lead the charge into the gravel world.

Sweet or salty?

I’m a bit of both: salty at first bite, but once you get beyond that you find the sweetness….

What's one piece of advice you have for someone looking to get into the sport competitively, professionally, etc.?

Set audacious goals but be prepared to do the work.

When not training or traveling, what are you up to?

I really enjoy #vanlife with my wife, Vanessa, who is the ED of the NorCal HS League, and our large Rhodesian Ridgeback, Kingston. We try to travel and explore new places as much as our schedules permit.


Follow Yuri on Instagram at @yhauswald.



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